Ecotone migrates to BW/4HANA with Expertum

Photo of Steve Klein

Written by Steve Klein in News , Technology


In 2018, Ecotone determined their strategy for their BI architecture for the next 5 years. In collaboration with Expertum, they have successfully migrated their BW environment to BW/4HANA and in combination with SAP Analytics Cloud for dashboarding & Analysis for Microsoft Office. In this video Hayo de Haan (BI Team Lead at Ecotone) explains why they have chosen for this strategy.

Ecotone is a European company that aims to deliver fair and healthy products that are good for consumers and the earth. This company originated from Royal Wessanen, which was founded over 250 years ago. Besides the Netherlands, they are active in France, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy. Some of their well-known brands are Zonnatura and Clipper tea.

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