Sometimes, over the years, internal business processes can become an incomprehensibly tangled web of responsibilities. How many people in the company actually have access to confidential information? Who manages supplier data? Who pays the invoices?
Maintaining an overall view
If specific key functions within a company are performed by too few people, they are sometimes granted too much power, creating risks of conflicts of interest, fraud, theft and misuse of information. In a worst-case scenario, it may lead to financial losses and reputational damage.
With their accumulated experience in SAP systems, Expertum consultants observed that companies sometimes lose track of crucial internal business processes and roles. That is why Expertum developed Ray, an online app that maps critical and conflicting authorisations based on a company's already existing SAP information. Ray analyses the risks, both by critical access and segregation of duties, and visualises risk scores in comprehensible and clear dashboards. On the basis of these dashboards, those in charge can then take targeted action.
Easy and affordable
With some easy instructions and rules, Ray can get to work, looking for any risk of fraud and misuse of authority. While such systems already exist on the market, they invariably include accompanying tools that are not always needed or wanted. As a result, the cost of those applications, even for large companies, is sometimes prohibitively high.
To remedy exactly that, Expertum developed Ray, which performs the appropriate risk analyses, clearly maps them out and then leaves it up to companies to address the identified risks themselves or hire specialists to do so. By strongly focusing the available functionalities on what is truly useful and necessary, we keep Ray affordable, even for small and medium-sized enterprises.