Boosting the next step in the evolution of your data landscape: Expertum + Collibra.


Since the rebranding of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud to the now famous SAP Datasphere, SAP has prioritized collaboration not just within this solution, but has also actively fostered partnerships with other vendors that would add value to SAP Datasphere. Out of these partners, Collibra is arguably the most valuable one. Let me explain why.

With the ever increasing amount and diversity of data in organizational landscapes, as well as the steady advance of Artificial Intelligence within the broader society, it becomes more and more important for companies to not only have a firm grasp on, but also a deep understanding of their data. For years, organizations have employed various solutions such as databases, data warehouses, data lakes and various types of reporting and dashboarding solutions to get the most of all the information they gather and store. In more recent years, organizational data landscapes became even more complex because of the changing nature of that data (e.g. semi-and-unstructured data) as well as its dispersion across multiple, often differently branded, IT systems (e.g. SAP, Databricks, Microsoft, Snowflake, Amazon Web Services (AWS), etc.). These developments often result in data inefficiencies, low transparency, high costs, complex architectures and governance concepts, difficult-to-manage security policies and finally, the creation of shadow IT constructs to even further increase these aforementioned challenges: challenges of which every organization that deals with at least a decent amount of data will surely recognize at least one. It is at this point that Collibra’s Data Intelligence Platform comes in. By providing a streamlined data governance solution that covers all of today’s data information needs and is compatible with a plethora of solutions (with partners such as SAP, Google, AWS, Databricks, Microsoft and Snowflake, among others), Collibra offers a way for customers to realize the vision of a true business data fabric.

At Expertum, we wholeheartedly subscribe to the proposition that data governance should be transparent, cohesive and comprehensive, no matter what solutions a customer uses. This is a value that Collibra can provide in the context of SAP data landscapes. And so, to put our aligned visions into practice, we are excited to announce that we have partnered up with Collibra in order to help bring this unique value proposition to SAP customers. By combining Collibra’s broad feature set and our SAP expertise, we can maximize the synergies between these solutions.

Collibra XP 2024

How does this all look in practice? Collibra offers a data governance solution that tailors to data quality, data lineage and AI systems through a comprehensive catalog that helps customers conform to (inter)national legislation, including the upcoming AI Act. By leveraging unique integrations with SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud, customers can govern and manage SAP assets within Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. Customers can utilize Collibra to track and trace their data through pipelines of views, tables, flows and source systems, all while keeping sight on the business semantics that accompany it (courtesy of the SAP Datasphere catalog). In practice, this means that users will be able to see what steps their data went through and what transformations were applied to it, all the way from the source to the target system. Moreover, Collibra is able to provide users with a single source of truth regarding their data and can be used to share specific data assets within a neatly authorized environment. With this new SAP Datasphere integration rolled out, Collibra is moving even closer to SAP, with a focus on AI governance and a roadmap that includes support for additional SAP data sources.

Quality SAP Hana Cloud

As a partner of Collibra, we at Expertum will be rapidly expanding our knowledge and expertise on the synergies that SAP and Collibra can realize for customers. We will be going hands-on with the integrations between Collibra and SAP Analytics Cloud, as well as SAP Datasphere, for which we will elaborate on the required configuration involving an Edge site soon. For more (technical) details on SAP’s partnership with Collibra, check out one of my previous blog posts here.

If you are curious on what the combination of these solutions can bring to your data landscape, or you need help with solving data governance challenges involving SAP data, please do not hesitate to contact us.

About the author

Photo of Lars van der Goes
Lars van der Goes

Lars van der Goes is SAP Data & Analytics Lead at Expertum. Lars combines strong functional skills with broad knowledge of Analytics principles, products and possibilities.

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